

Culture Convergence (CC)

Influence of Smartphone Addiction on Learning Immersion, Sociality and Morality




The purpose of the present study was to investigate the influence of smartphone addiction on learning immersion, sociality and morality of college students and the present study is a descriptive survey research to investigate the influence of smartphone addiction on learning immersion, sociality and morality of college students. The subjects were 145 freshman, sophomore and junior students in the Department of Health at a college located in the Gyeongbuk region, and the data were collected from November 15 to 18, 2017. upon analyzing the correlations between the variables, a negative correlation was found between learning immersion and sociality and between learning immersion and morality, indicating that the learning immersion decreased as the sociality or morality increased. A positive correlation was found between sociality and morality, indicating that those who have a higher degree of sociality have a higher level of morality.


 1. Introduction
  1.1 Need for Study
  1.2 Purpose of Study
 2. Methods
  2.1 Study Design
  2.2 Subjects
  2.3 Research Tools
  2.4 Data Collection Methods
  2.5 Data Analysis Methods
 3. Results
  3.1 General Characteristics of Subjects
  3.2 Learning Immersion, Sociality, Morality and Degree of Smartphone Addiction
  3.3 Learning Immersion, Sociality, Morality and Degree of Smartphone Addiction Depending onGeneral Characteristics
  3.4 Correlations Between Learning Immersion, Sociality, Morality and Smartphone Addiction
 4. Conclusions


  • Sunyeub-Hong Department of Nursing, Kyungwoon University.
  • Gangwoo-Park Department of Airline tourism, Kyungwoon University.
  • Teasun-Kim Department of Avionic Electronics Engineering, Kyungwoon University.


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