

External Argument Non-heads in English Synthetic Compounds


Jongseong Lim

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



English synthetic compounds have been regarded to be different from primary ones. As discussed by Spencer(1991), synthetic compounds seem to have three properties: (1) The heads of synthetic compounds inherit the argument structure of the verb; (2) the verb's internal argument is satisfied by the non-head; (3) it is impossible for the non-head to function as the subject of the verb. The first property has evolved into the thematic projection principle constrained by the second and third properties. The second property has been challenged as well. There has been no serious objection for the third one. I will show that there are synthetic compounds which need external arguments as non-heads. If it is the case, it implies that two important properties are not valid, and the first property is also dubious. We should consider synthetic compounding from other perspectives rather than the theory based on the thematic projection principle.


 1. Introduction
 2. External Argument Non-heads in X-Yed Compounds
  2.1. The Verb ‘turn’ and Synthetic Compounds
  2.2. The Verb ‘grow’ and Synthetic Compounds
  2.3. Summary
 3. External Argument Non-heads in X-Ying Compounds
 4. Concluding Remarks


  • Jongseong Lim The University of Seoul


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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