The purpose of this study is to present a basis of application of an exer-cise program through a systematic analysis of the effect of combined exercise program for middle-aged women using meta-analysis. It ap-pears that the overall effect size (0.606) of the combined exercise pro-gram was positive for improving physical strength and physiological function. The physiologically related variables showed an effect size which is equal to or greater than a middle level. This may be an objec-tive basis to prove that the combined exercise program is an effective intervention method to overcome loss of functions and weakened func-tions by improving physical strength and preventing reduction of hor-mones. The combined exercise program was found to be most effective when it was conducted two times a week; for over 1 hr and 30 min to 2 hr; and at intensity of 40% or more for an 8-week period. As the com-bined exercise program showed an effect of a middle level or higher for all the middle-aged women in their age of 40 to 65, it appeared that this exercise program is very effective for middle-aged women. The results of this study suggest that the combined exercise program for mid-dle-aged women is a very effective intervention method. This study can reduce inefficiencies of overly redundant studies regarding an effect of an exercise program, and can be grounds for the basic work for the in-tegrated classification of the physiological variables.
Study design
Reference search and data extraction
Statistical analysis
Overall effects
ES of physiological variables of the combined exercise program
ES according to combined exercise program intervention method
ES according to characteristics of study of combined exercise program