I. Introduction
II. Method
1. Participants
2. Instruments
3. 12 weeks program of rhythm Taekwondo trainig
4. Date analysis
III. Results and discussion
1. The changes of weight about before and after training
2. The changes of BMI about before and dfter training
3. The changes of percent body fat about before and after training
4. The changes of lean body mass about before and after training
5. The changes of protein mass about before and after training
6. The changes of mineral mass about before and after training
7. The changes of soft leanl mass about before and after training
II. Method
1. Participants
2. Instruments
3. 12 weeks program of rhythm Taekwondo trainig
4. Date analysis
III. Results and discussion
1. The changes of weight about before and after training
2. The changes of BMI about before and dfter training
3. The changes of percent body fat about before and after training
4. The changes of lean body mass about before and after training
5. The changes of protein mass about before and after training
6. The changes of mineral mass about before and after training
7. The changes of soft leanl mass about before and after training
자료제공 : 네이버학술정보