

Concurrent Session A4

The future of work with the rise of the transhuman society



The purpose of this study is to present a process by which we can forecast how the world of work will change with the development of technologies. In order to forecast how work will change with the development of technologies, we believe that following notions should be considered: 1) technologies are the means to realize certain norms and public values in a society; 2) and it is necessary to understand which vision of the future the society imagines and how this vision evolves. Based on this assumption, we will discuss the fact that the 4th Industrial Revolution-related technologies debated in depth in our society are aiming at the transhuman society, and what changes in works and duties can be expected as a result.


  • Dr. Seong Won PARK Science and Technology Policy Institute
  • Kayeul PARK Korea Employment Information Service


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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