

학술세미나 발표논문 - 2010년 동계학술대회

개인회생 절차의 특성과 문제점


A study on the characteristics and legal problems of the individual debtor rehabilitation procedure in korea


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Individual debtor rehabilitation procedure is a legal system of designed for the effective rehabilitation and new start of individual debtors facing the financial difficulties though expected continuous or repeated future employment income or business income by adjusting the debt relations of both parties interested. Although a lot of pain involved such as to create a complex application forms and their compensation and to perform the long-term repayment plans, individual rehabilitation procedure which adjusts the interests of both parties of the debtor and creditors together to promote their interests is more just than individual bankruptcy proceedings. It should go through complicated procedures such as the authorization of repayment plans etc. But the bankruptcy court is favorable and going to guide to use this rehabilitation process active. In this article, we've seen an overview of the contents of individual rehabilitation procedure which performed after 6 and a half years have passed, and its philosophy and characteristics and its development process, especially compared with other bankruptcy procedures. Also we looked into many of the current personal rehabilitation issues, especially the pros and cons debate on the necessity of introduction of the "automatic stop" system, and Byeoljegwon (Absonderungsrecht, covered bonds) and its problems, the issuing of debt certificates, exemption or moratorium on the guarantor's liability, a joint application system of a couple, streamline of mutual conversion between insolvency procedures. For many such institutional issues, we have searched and thought out more effectiv ways to improve this procedure. In order to prevent individual debtors from showing an inclination toward individual bankruptcy and application for the exemption from responsibility, concealing their properties, and to increase the application of high valued individual rehabilitation procedure, the upgrade of this system and its operation is strongly required.


I. 처음에
 II. 개인회생절차의 이념과 특성
 III. 개인회생절차의 문제점과 개선방향
 IV. 마치면서


  • 엄덕수 Deoxu Eom. 대한법무사협회 법제연구소장, 법학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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