

The Significant Recommendations for Ukraine policy in sphere of agricultural and rural development : Based on Experiences of US, EU and South Korea


우크라이나의 농업 및 지역개발을 위한 정책 제안 : 미국, EU, 한국의 경험을 중심으로

Stanislav Rieznik, Lee, Hwan-Beom

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The study aims to examine effective agricultural policies as well as agricultural development sectors in Ukraine, through some agricultural development experience of US, EU and Korea. Based on obtained investigation study provides some meaningful policy suggestions and recommendations for Ukrainian government in sphere of agricultural development. This research is proving that problems which Ukraine agriculture sector and especially rural area are facing caused by inappropriate and inconsistent policies undertaken by Ukraine government. Therefore based on experiences of US, EU and Korea some results of case studies provide significant recommendations for Ukraine policy makers in sphere of agricultural and rural development. On the other hand, this study recognizes that 1) developed countries, such as US, EU and Korea provided substantial government supports or efforts for their agricultural development sectors and for their development policies based on the emphasizing technological growth. 2) Their governmental agricultural policies also changed its focus from price support to direct aid payments that would help farmers improve their farms and care for the environment. 3) In addition, their governments encouraged their farmers to engage in rural development, start organic movements, and pay close attention to food quality. In line with these perspectives, the research also offers some important future direction for Crops and Livestock sector and Organic agricultural development in Ukraine and describes the results of Ukraine agrarian reformation related to SWOT analysis of Ukraine agriculture sector.


 Ⅰ. Introduction
 Ⅱ. The Analysis of Ukraine Agricultural Sector
  1. Ukraine Agricultural Sector in Transition
  2. Development of Crops and Livestock Sector
  3. Development of Organic Agriculture
  4. SWOT Analysis of Ukraine Agriculture
 Ⅲ. Analysis of Agricultural and Rural Development Policies of US, EU, and Korea
  1. Agricultural and Rural Development Policies of US and EU
  2. Agricultural and Rural Development Policy of Korea
 Ⅳ. Discussion of Comparison
 V. Conclusion and Policy Recommendations
  1. Conclusion
  2. Policy Recommendations
 Refer en ce


  • Stanislav Rieznik 영남대 행정학과 박사과정
  • Lee, Hwan-Beom 이환범. 영남대 행정학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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