

Interdisciplinary Suggestion for Sustainable Islandness and Improvement of Islander's Economy Quality


Sun-Kee Hong

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Island is environmentally feasible ecosystem. Islands, especially, are directly influenced by global climate change. According to drastic climate change, original ecosystem and biodiversity are changing. Reducing population, however, is critical issue in all island in Korea. Aging is accompanied with reducing population. Current inhabited islands in Korea is gradually replaced to uninhabited islands. In those situation, Korean government is trying to keep those islands as inhabited island by increasing basic needs of local peoples. In this report, we introduce some case studies on sustainable small island strategy of Korean government. For setting sustainable small island strategy, we suggest multi-functional model composed of island resource development, island space development, information-industry development, and local community structuring. To successful strategy, relationship economy and ecology should be balanced and also cooperated with each others. Final goal of these steps is related to reforming islander's life, creating island value and developing climate-adapting island design. Most local islanders want to construct bridges between islands and island-mainland. Although constructing bridges is one of solutions to recovery local economy and activity, we have to understand there are many other worst sides.


 Ⅰ. Introduction1
 Ⅱ. Developmental foundation and regional revitalization of islands
  1. Creating a sustainable island town
  2. Alternative energy development for improvement of living environment
  3. Revitalization of Dadohae island industry
 Ⅲ. Functional classification of "improvement of quality of life" and "creation of value-added“
 Ⅳ. Conclusion
  1. Aquaculture island utilizing energy self-supporting building technology
  2. Revitalization of marine tourism through linking of inhabited and uninhabited islands of territorial waters and establishment of energy-independent base islands
  3. Big Data System for island management for climate change response
  4. (Tentative) Establishment of Island Development Promotion Center


  • Sun-Kee Hong Institution for Marine & Island Cultures, Mokpo National University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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