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Basal Area-Stump Diameter Models for Tectona grandis Linn. F. Stands in Omo Forest Reserve, Nigeria




The tropical forests in developing countries are faced with the problem of illegal exploitation of trees. However, dearth of empirical means of expressing the dimensions, structure, quality and quantity of a removed tree has imped conviction of offenders. This study aimed at developing a model that can effectively estimate individual tree basal area (BA) from stump diameter (Ds) for Tectona grandis stands in Omo Forest Reserve, Nigeria, for timber valuation in case of illegal felling. Thirty-six 25 m×25 m temporary sample plots (TSPs) were laid randomly in six age strata; 26, 23, 22, 16, 14, and 12 years specifically. BA, Ds and diameter at breast height were measured in all living T. grandis trees within the 36 TSPs. Least square method was used to convert the counted stumps into harvested stem cross-sectional areas. Six basal area models were fitted and evaluated. The BA-Ds relationship was best described by power model which gave least values of Root mean square error (0.0048), prediction error sum of squares (0.0325) and Akaike information criterion (-15391) with a high adjusted coefficient of determination (0.921). This study revealed that basal area estimation was realistic even when the only information available was stump diameter. The power model was validated using independent data obtained from additional plots and was found to be appropriate for estimating the basal area of Tectona grandis stands in Omo Forest Reserve, Nigeria.


 Materials and Methods
  Study area
  Tree species description
  Sampling procedure
  Data collection
  Model description and fitting
  Model evaluation and validation
  Summary statistics for tree growth variables
  Model validation


  • Onyekachi Chukwu Department of Forest Resources Management, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
  • Johnson S. A. Osho Department of Forest Resources Management, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria


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