



China’s trade facilitation system under FTA

王俊, 蒋旦悦

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



With the rapid development of economic integration, the increasing number of multilateral agreements and regional agreements, the scale of trade between economies has been expanded. Barriers and obstacles to trade activities among economies have received further attention, and trade facilitation has become the current international trade point. In order to meet the objective requirements and inevitable choices of the new trend of economic globalization, China has accelerated the implementation of the free trade zone strategy. At present, China has signed 16 Free Trade Agreements involving 24 countries and regions. This paper examines the terms of trade facilitation on trade facilitation mainly from a broad perspective which including a number of relevant provisions. We think that the characteristics of China's trade facilitation under the FTA mainly include: the increase in terms and scope of trade facilitation in the FTA; the content of trade facilitation in different FTAs is different; the contribution of trade facilitation measures in FTAs is obvious. At present, the trade facilitation measures on transparency in the FTA signed by China are relatively complete, trade facilitation measures on fees and procedures need to be improved, and trade facilitation measures on transportation are lacking. Compared with the EU, China’s trade facilitation system under the FTA is lacking in customs-related cooperation, information exchange and facilitation, pre-shipment inspection, customs agents, authorization. China is similar to the EU when it stipulates related provisions, and most of them stipulate one or more objectives in non-mandatory terms. Both of them are lack of specific, objective and accurate metrics. Tt is found that the wording of different agreements signed by various countries and the United States is similar. In comparison with the United States, China signs trade agreements with different countries or regions by different words. Tthe agreements signed by the United States are more detailed than the ones signed by China, and the level of commitments is higher. The United States and China have differences in the subject of trade facilitation rules. The United States attaches particular importance to the issue of trade security, while China pays more attention to the development of trade facilitation itself. In order to improve the level of China's trade facilitation under the FTA, we should further improve the institutional design of trade facilitation and continuously refine the rules and requirements for trade facilitation system. We need to strengthen the setting of terms and conditions regarding technical assistance and capacity building, and set special and differential treatment. According to the actual conditions of the parties to the agreement, we should develop better and more specific obligations and rights. At the same time, we can increase regulatory regulations to strengthen the system binding force and the cooperation between customs and supervision in different countries. In the future, we need to balance the trade facilitation and the trade security


随着经济一体化的迅猛发展, 多边协定和区域协定的不断增加, 经济体之间的贸易规模得到扩 大, 影响经济体之间贸易活动的壁垒和阻碍得到进一步关注, 贸易便利化成为当前国际贸易发展的 新焦点, 减少和消除阻碍要素跨境流动的障碍、 减低交易成本、 建立高效的贸易便利化体系等内容 逐渐成为多边、 区域、 双边经贸合作的重要内容。 为了适应经济全球化新趋势的客观要求和必然选 择, 中国加快实施自由贸易区战略, 目前中国已经签署了16个自由贸易协定, 涉及24个国家和地区。 本文研究自贸协定中关于贸易便利化的条款主要是从广义的角度进行分析, 即“贸易便利化” 包括多个相关条款, 包括在“货物的国民待遇和市场准入”、 “与原产地规则相关的程序”、 “技术性贸 易壁垒”、 “透明度”、 “海关程序与合作”等协定章节中的有关于贸易便利化的内容, 如行政费用及手 续、 联络点、 预裁定、 货物放行、 无纸贸易环境下自动化系统的应用等方面。 认为中国FTA下贸易便 利化的特征主要有:自贸协定中关于贸易便利化的条款增加、 范围扩大;不同自贸协定中贸易便 利化内容有差别;自贸协定中贸易便利化措施的贡献明显。 目前, 中国已签署的FTA协定中关于透 明度方面贸易便利化措施较完善, 关于规费和手续方面贸易便利化措施有待完善, 关于运输方面贸 易便利化措施欠缺。 FTA下中国贸易便利化制度相较于第一个参与区域贸易协定的地区——欧盟, 中国已签订的自 贸协定中涉及海关相关合作、 信息交流以及简化手续、 装运前检验、 报关代理、 授权经营者等相关 问题的协定欠缺, 仅在中国与瑞士、 中国与冰岛的协定中略有涉及;中国在规定相关条款时与欧盟 相似, 大多以非强制性措辞来规定一个或多个广泛的目标, 缺少具体、 客观、 准确的衡量标准。 在与 美国的相关制度对比中发现, 各国与美国签订的不同协定的规定措词较为相似, 而中国在与不同国 家或地区签署贸易协定时, 大多考虑缔约方的各种因素, 达成有不同侧重点的协定;美国签署的协 定较中国签署的更加详细, 承诺水平更高;美国与中国在贸易便利化规则主旨上存在差异, 美国尤 其注重贸易安全问题, 而中国在对贸易便利化与安全的取舍或兼顾问题上则更注重贸易便利化本 身的发展。 为提升FTA下中国贸易便利化水平, 我们应进一步完善贸易便利化的制度设计, 不断细化贸易 便利化制度规则和要求;加强关注技术援助和能力建设方面条款的设定, 设置特殊和差别待遇, 根 据协定各方实际情况拟定更妥善、 具体的义务和权利;同时增加监管条例来加强制度约束力, 加强 国家间海关合作与监管, 提高措施的实施效率;在未来中国自贸区协议中贸易便利化制度的选择 需要坚持便利开放与安全监管相统一的原则, 在促进贸易便利化的同时, 兼顾贸易安全的需要, 在 此基础上基础上深化与FTA伙伴的合作。


 Ⅰ. 绪论
 Ⅱ. 中国FTA下贸易便利化的特征
 Ⅲ. FTA下中国贸易便利化制度的国际比较
 Ⅳ. FTA下未来中国贸易便利化制度安排的方向与发展


  • 王俊 왕준. 博士, 教授, 苏州大学东吴商学院, 主要研究方向:WTO与中国对外贸易。
  • 蒋旦悦 장단열. 苏州大学东吴商学院国际贸易专业硕士研究生。


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