



On improvement of Small Claims System in China


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Under the background of economy developing rapidly and the adjustment of the social structure, people’s legal consciousness, right consciousness gradually strengthened, more and more people choose litigation to stand up for their right, and this makes the court to the rising number of cases, especially civil cases. because there are more cases and less of the judicial personnel ,a large number of cases can’t be settled in a timely manner. However, this not only makes the court pressure become more and more heavy ,but also increases the cost of the parties and is not conductive to the solution of the dispute. In the face of these problems to be solved, small claims litigation gradually comes into our field of vision. Western countries began to explore and research the small claims procedure in the early 1960s, and obtained a certain practical effect. In August 2012 ,small claims procedure formally established in our country, but the law remains to be perfect. Although some relevant judicial explanations were issued in 2015, some of its inherent problem still isn’t solved. This paper analyzes the status quo of China’s small lawsuit related legislation and judicial practice, analyzes its existing problems, and puts forward corresponding suggestions for improvement.


在经济飞速发展, 以及社会结构正处调整时期的大背景下, 中国民众的法律意识、 权利意识渐 渐增强, 愈来愈多的民众选择利用法律的武器来维权, 使得法院要处理的案件日渐增多, 尤其是民 事案件。 中国法院普遍存在“案多人少”的问题, 很多案件积压得不到及时解决, 不但法院承受的负 担日益沉重, 还加重了当事人的成本, 对纠纷的解决有诸多不利。 面对这些亟待解决的问题, 小额 诉讼制度逐步走入了我们的世界。 西方国家对小额诉讼制度的探索和研究早在上世纪六十年代就 开始了, 经过这么多年时间, 也获得了一定的实践成果。 2012年8月, 小额诉讼制度正式在中国设立, 但与之相关的立法尚有待完善, 虽然2015年也公布了相关司法解释, 但是其固有的一些问题仍然没 有得到解决。 本文通过对中国小额诉讼相关立法以及司法实践的现状研究, 分析其存在的问题, 提 出相应的完善建议。


 Ι. 引言
 II. 中国小额诉讼制度的现状
 III. 中国小额诉讼制度存在的问题
 IV. 完善建议
 V. 结语


  • 金美兰 김미란. 延边大学法学院, 講師.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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