

에니어그램 8번 유형의 격정 ‘정욕’에 대한 개념분석


Concept Analysis of the Lust on Passion of the Enneagram Type 8


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Purpose: To analyze lust, which is Enneagram type 8 passion, in order to utilize it as a base data to provide directional guidance for inducement of maturity that can rediscover and bring about positive change of awareness with respect to passion by investigating the characteristic of Enneagram type 8. Methods: This study used Walker and Avant’ process of concept analysis. Results: The conceptual attribute of the lust of type 8 enneagram appeared as 'natural leaders', 'followers of power', 'Enigma Energizer', 'those who refuse to face self' and 'acknowledge true nature'. And the leading factors were 'logic of power', 'refusal to be controlled', 'want to control the environment', and negative result of lust was 'violent destroyer'. Also, the mature result of positive consciousness change appeared as 'generous leader' and 'gentle leader'. Conclusion: The lust that is passion of the type 8 is that a typical lust is strong desire for real power, but in a broad sense lust is a desire to possess and control others, that is a desire to have 'total power' to others like gods. When they understand and become aware of their passion, their passion, they will no longer seek to possess others, and will no longer try to control them. And they will realize self-growth that is transformed into a generous person.


  1. 연구의 필요성
  2. 연구의 목적
  1. 연구 설계
  2. 자료수집 방법
 연구결과 및 논의
  1. 문헌을 통한 에니어그램 8번 유형의 격정인 정욕에 대한 개념의 사용범위
  2. 모델사례
  3. 추가사례
  4. 에니어그램 8번 유형의 정욕의 선행요인과 결과
 결론 및 제언


  • 김미혜 Kim, Mi-Hye. 한양대학교 서울병원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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