

Localization of a MOOC – A Comparison of Korean and European MOOCs



This research is about MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses). The idea behind these courses is to offer education to anybody, anywhere and often free of charge. The first MOOC was created in 2008 which shows that the concept is quite young and little research has been conducted in some aspects of these courses. To educate people all over the world, a localization must be done to ensure that people have the option of understanding the content without being locked out due to language/cultural barriers. For this work I am looking at the required localization processes for MOOCs, which properties need to be changed and want both participants and content creators expect from them. The identification of cultural markers, trying to answer the question of who owns the copyright of the content and many more issues need to be dealt with. By doing this I will be able to create a list of suggested adjustments that need to be considered when localizing an online course.


  • Jan Ernst Schweer University of Hildesheim, Germany
  • Thomas Mandl University of Hildesheim, Germany
  • Daegene Song Department of Management Information Systems, Chungbuk National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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