

A Comparative Bibliometric Analysis on Scientific Publications between University of Graz and Chungbuk National University



This thesis deals with a bibliometric analysis on publications between the University of Graz and the Chungbuk National University. The aim is to give insights in the research activities of both universities, and furthermore to analyze them and show whether there are differences. In the first step, the fields of competence of both universities will be identified. Therefore, the bibliographic data and references of each publication will be analyzed with the bibliographic coupling method (M. M. Kessler, 1963). Afterwards, the results of both will be compared and possible similar fields of competence extracted. These fields will be observed in a more precise way by using bibliometric indicators as performance measurement. Furthermore, a coauthor analysis on the country level will be made. This has the focus on the identification and comparison of the most important collaboration countries of the universities. The needed bibliographic data and references of each publication originate out of the citation database ‘Web of Science’. The analysis will be realized with the bibliometric visualization software BibTechMon. Additionally, the analysis-tool from Web of Science will be used.


  • Alexander Pummer University of Graz, Austria
  • Christian Schlögl University of Graz, Austria
  • Daegene Song Department of Management Information Systems, Chungbuk National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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