

Examining Factors Affecting Users’ Intention to Use Privacy Settings on Facebook : Compared with the Actual Use



Drawing on Theory of Reasoned Action and Theory of Planned Behavior(TRA & TPB), this paper aims to examine the factors that affect users’ privacy settings on Facebook. The booming popularity of Social Network Service(SNS) has coincided with the increasing concern over personal information privacy. Facebook is one of the SNS companies that gives users the ability to control privacy settings such as who can see what they share. Unlike the old days, people now are becoming more active in pruning and managing their own privacy. Thus, we evaluate how users are dealing with the privacy settings provided, and investigate the factors that motivate users’ intention to use privacy settings. We also compare the perceived intention with the actual privacy settings to see if there is a discrepancy.


 Literature Review
  Theory of Reasoned Action and Theory of Planned Behavior(TRA & TPB)
  Previous Studies
 Research Model


  • JONGKI KIM Ph.D. in MIS, Professor Pusan National University
  • JIANBOWANG Ph.D. student in MIS Pusan National University


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