

A Diachronic Study on Modern English Passive Constructions: Two Conflicting Predictions about Syntactic Change and Their Implications


Lee, Soo-jae

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study investigates the origin and development of the English passive construction, especially focusing on a comparison of the grammatical theories for explaining syntactic change. Two views on the modern passive construction study have been introduced, i.e., lexical and transformational. Throughout the discussions on two conflicting predictions about the evolution of the passive constructions, we realize that both Lightfoot’s diachronic argument for the synchronic theory of grammar and Bennett’s diachronic argument for relational grammar are not satisfactory because the only way of explaining language change depends on their theoretical frameworks. A language is not uniform, and a variety of factors involving language change cannot be explained by the simple syntactic rules.


I. Introduction
 II. The Passive in General
 III. The Origin and Manner of Development of the Passives
 IV. Arguments for the Development of Transformational Passives and Their Implications
  4.1 The Indirect Passive
  4.2 The Non-local Passive
  4.3 The Idiomatic Passive
  4.4 The Benefactive Passive
  4.5 The Prepositional Passive
  4.6 The Predicative Passive
  4.7 The Stative vs. Dynamic Passive
  4.8 The Agent Adjunct
 V. The Correct Predictions about the Historical Development of the Passive
  5.1 Some Problems Observed in Section 4
  5.2 The Relational Account of the Passives
 VI. Summary and Concluding Remarks
 Works Cited


  • Lee, Soo-jae Kunsan College of Nursing


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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