

Session 2

초국가시대 다국가 이주경험 한국 청소년(TCK)의 문화정체성과 세계시민 한국문화교육방안


Cultural Identity of Korean Youth with Experience of Migration to Multiple Countries(TCK) and The Korean culture education Plan of global citizenship


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In the Transnational era, Many Korean youths are experiencing multinational migration following their parents who migrate abroad for professional purposes. Transnational migration prior to the establishment of identity makes a ‘trans-inter cultural identity'. This cultural identity exhibits a strong identity for both their own culture and other cultures, and with a wide scope of intercultural sensitivity. It is considered as the stepping stone for becoming a global citizen, and TCKs is deemed to have a value and potential for the future. Therefore, The Korean culture education of global citizenship aims to understand the Korean culture and the world culture with the common vision of the world universalism perspective and to solve the global problem caused by the conflict between cultures. As a result, the program suggests three steps. Step 1: Provide objective knowledge of Korean culture from the perspective of world universalism ⇒ Step 2: Understand the Korean culture and World culture by using “the currere method” that can utilize the experience of multinational migration. ⇒ Step 3: Expanding to 'globalization and global problems' to discuss conflicts and problem-solving methods. It is hoped Korean Youth with Experience of Migration to Multiple Countries who have ‘trans-inter cultural identity’ will become mature global citizens through the Korean culture education of global citizenship


 Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 다국가 이주경험 한국 청소년의 문화정체성
  1. 초국가시대 문화혼종성과 유동적인 문화정체성
  2. 초문화정체성
 Ⅲ. 세계시민 문화교육방안
  1. 세계시민으로의 잠재력
  2. 다국가 이주 경험 한국청소년 대상 세계시민 한국문화교육방안
 Ⅳ. 결론
 [참고 문헌]


  • 천수연 연세대학교

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