A Research of Legalization and Operating Methods for Preservation Districts of Historic Buildings -Case of Historic Districts in Japan-
This paper intends to analyze, present the problems in operating of conservation of the historic villages in Korea, in oder to improve the procedure and methods of restoration construction. Improvments are as follows. 1. Recognizing of historic village as cultural heritages to dewellers, 2. Understading of village to administraor and investigator, 3. Forming of mutual agreements with dewellers, 4. Establishing Conservation Act and making delibration organization in order to repair and restorate, 5. Minimalizing of inconvenences of dewellers. 6. Recognition of the individual specialities of the building in construction, and constructions, repairments, restorations in priceples of conservation. 7. Establishing the permission criterion, and managing by the Conservation Act.
1. 서론
1.1 연구의 목적
1.2 연구의 방법 및 범위
1.3 선행연구 검토
1.4 문제점 제기
2. 우리나라 전통마을 보존사업의 개선방안
2.1 기존 사업에 나타난 문제점 분석
2.2 전통마을 보존사업의 절차와 시행방법
2.3 허가기준과 조성제도의 개선
2.4 우리나라 전통마을 보존사업의 개선방안 - 기존 사업에서 나타난 문제점 해결을 중심으로
3. 결론