

청소년 수련시설의 현대적 조형성 향상을 위한 APC패널의 적용가능성 연구


A Study on the Application of the APC (Architectural Precast Concrete) Panel for the Improvement of Modern Plasticity in Youth Training Facilities


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Open housing construction techniques are used to construct structures with columns and slabs, breaking away from a uniform, box-shaped design, which makes it possible to design using modules on the free building envelope. Since it is possible to construct a slab under extreme conditions by using the system formwork, It is used simultaneously with the APC( Architectural precast concrete ) to enable a free design in the design of a building. The use of APC (Architectural Test Concrete) with the Open housing construction techniques enables the production of modern challenging and dynamic architectural form and It is already widespread in Europe and North America. Although the youth training facility in korea has had many qualitative and quantitative expansion, it requires a great deal of improvement from the standpoint of architectural design. In view of this domestic environment, APC (Architectural Test Concrete) can be a very useful technique in terms of architectural construction and through this, youth training facilities can develop into a model of modern and educational architecture.


 І. 서론
  1. 연구의 배경
 ІІ. 연구방법
 ІІІ. 현대건축의 특징을 반영한 오픈하우징 공법과 APC( Architectural precast concrete )
  1. 오픈하우징(Open Housing) 공법과 APC(Architectural precast concrete) 판넬
  2. APC(Architectural precast concrete)의 배경
  3. APC(Architectural precast concrete)의 기술적 관점
  4. 비내력 외장재로서의 APC(Architectural Precast Concrete)
  5. APC(Architectural precast concrete)의 생산과 조립
  6. 현대건축의 설계경향과 조형성
  7. 우수 현대 건축물들의 유형들과 구조, 외관디자인의 상관관계
  8. 모듈을 사용한 현대 건축물들의 기하학적인 유형과 조형적 특징
 ІV. Apc를 활용한 설계 모듈화 적용
  1. APC패널 적용을 통한 업무빌딩 디자인
  2. Apc 패널 적용을 통한 주거 건축물 디자인
  3. APC패널 적용을 통한 청소년 수련시설의 외관 개선 디자인
 V. 결론


  • 임지택 Lim, Ji-taek. 한양대학교 건축학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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