A study on characteristics of the dewller's character in Munhwa-Maule
At the beginning of 1990s, in the on of ways improving tyong he structure of community in the agricultural country. A creation of Munhwa-Maule has been begun. It has been performed for Center village of Munhwa-Maule, and worked in order to improve the creation budiness for Munhwa-Maule was started for the qualitative rasing of the people life in the agricultural zone. Through this study : utilization of residence between a farming family and a non-farming family, I made a n analysis about problem with finding out the whole of the village, but the condition of using house comes to the end. I use a lot of studies be lasted in many ways about estimation and craft arranging village after moving into the Munhwa-Maule
1. 서론
2. 문화마을 개항
2.1 문화마을 사업 개여
2.2 입주자의 직업분포
3. 주택의 특성 및 옥내외 공간의 이용실태
3.1 조사대상의 선정
3.2 세대주의 특성
3.3 주택의 이용실태
3.4 주택 외부공간의 이용실태
4. 시설의 개선현황 및 개선 요구
4.1 주택의 개선현황 및 요구
4.2 외부공간의 이용실태 및 개선요구
5. 결론
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