

15(R)-PGF2α as a possible pheromone in Hynobius leechii



Prostaglandins are produced by most tissues of the body, primarily in the brain, gastrointestinal tract, kidney, lung, and pancreases well as in the uterus and in human menstrual blood. One of prostaglandin F series, PGF2 which is released from a female gold fish functions as a releaser pheromone to affect behavior and physiology of male gold fish. Unlike the most other salamanders who internally fertilize eggs, Korean salamander, Hynobius leechii, externally fertilize eggs, similar to the fish. Our working hypothesis is that PGFs can be used as a pheromone by the Korean salamander as does the gold fish. Our hypothesis does not exclude the possibility that other types of materials from female salamanders such as steroids and proteinaceous compounds are also possible candidates for a pheromone. From the water where females were kept, we detected four different F series prostaglandins; 15(R)-PGF2, 15K-PGF2, dh15K-PGF2 and PGF2 using a LC/MS/MS technique. Those prostaglandins except PGF2 successfully induced EOG (Electro-Olfacto Gram) responses from male and female salamanders. In special, 15(R)-PGF2 significantly increased males' body undulation display in bioassays.


  • Jun-Ho Eom Division of Science Education, Kangwon Naitonal University
  • Daesik Park Division of Science Education, Kangwon Naitonal University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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