The purpose of this paper is to give a new account for what principles govern the mapping of arguments of a verb onto grammatical functions. Some previous approaches claim that arguments can be mapped on grammatical functions based on thematic or actor/undergoer hierarchies. Recent studies on this issue propose an account of argument selection that does away with intermediary mechanisms such as thematic or actor/undergoer hierarchies. Some problems, however, remain associated with a set of stative verbs such as ‘border, follow and precede.’ The present study argues in favor of argument selection without using thematic or actor/undergoer hierarchies and proposes ‘the principle of argument selection based on metaphorical extension’ to account for the problematic stative verbs.
II. 기존의 접근 방법과 그 문제점ㅈ
2.1 의미역 계층에 기초한 연결 이론
2.2 동사의 의미적 속성에 기초한 연결
III. 동사 의미의 은유적 확대와 논항 선택
3.1 동사의 의미의 은유적 확대
IV. 결론