

Teaching English Writing with Peer Collaboration Groups in Reading Comprehension Class


Yang, Jung-wan

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Recently, the importance of writing has increased in teaching English to speakers of other languages. However, the practice of teaching english writing in Korean colleges has been less effective due to; 1) lesson goals or curriculum emphasizing reading comprehension, and 2) the attitudes toward writing exercises. This study suggests peer collaboration as a possible alternative for solving this issue. This study was designed to investigate how peer collaboration works for writing exercises in reading comprehension classes. For research methodology, observation and the analysis of the researcher’s log and students’ final drafts were used. The findings of this study concluded that peer collaboration contributed to the fluency and the development of ideas in students’ writing. Therefore, peer collaboration in writing exercises could enhance Korean students’ writing fluency in reading comprehension class.


I. Introduction
 II. Theoretical Framework & Literature Review
 III. Data Collection & Method
  3.1 Site
  3.2 Implementation
  3.3 Data Collection Method
  3.4 Analysis
 IV. Findings
  4.1 Peer collaboration contributes to the fluency of writing
  4.2 Students working with peer collaboration consider revising process more useful 
  4.3 Students’ attitudes toward English writing was identified
 V. Discussion & Conclusion
 Works Cited
 Appendix 1: pilot study (2005, fall semester)
 Appendix 2: Holistic Focused Scoring
 Appendix 3: Peer response sheet for a meaning based feedback
 Appendix 4-1: Questionnaire on peer response
 Appendix 4-2 Questionnaire on peer response


  • Yang, Jung-wan Yeungnam University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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