


단청문양(丹靑紋樣)을 응용한 아트메이크업 디자인 연구


A Study on Art Make-up Design applying the Dan-chung Motivies

단청문양을 응용한 아트메이크업 디자인 연구


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Dan-chung had many great traditional patterns of Korea. By investigating its patterns, which comprise the integral part of the formative features, and analyzing the aesthetic characteristics and formative beauty, the foundation was set to use the patterns as the motives of art makeup works. A focus was made on the basic elements, compositions and symbolic meanings of Dan-chung patterns. The representative patterns that were used a lot in Dan-chung made the motives of the four art make-up designs, which tried to integrate the aesthetic senses of the Dan-chung patterns into the art makeup venues. The four patterns were each based on the phoenix, bat, ghost face, and crane. The major colors used were white, black, red, blue and yellow, which were also the cardinal Five Colors of Dan-chung. They were changed in terms of luminosity and coma and manipulated to make harmony with intermediate colors so that the designs would ooze out the Korean aesthetic senses.


  • 이재형 Lee, Jae-Hyung. 정화미용예술학교 미용과


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