

행정서비스헌장제도의 발전과 정부혁신


The Public Service Charter in the Republic of Korea : A Development plan for Government innovation


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The Public Service Charter is one of the administrative reform programs introduced to promote customer oriented administration. It's main purpose is to achieve citizens' confidence in the government by satisfying them with elevated quality of the public services. This study focuses on analyzing current conditions and achievements of the Public Service Charter in the Republic of Korea and proposing it's development plan. Since it was introduced to Korea in 1998, the Public Service Charter has been disseminated and contributed to the spreading of the citizens' understandings of the government's initiatives for customer satisfaction plans. Still, it has several problems as follows; A lot of public servants and citizens lack in understandings of this program. CEOs don't have enough concern in it. Evaluation is not organically connected to performance management. The correction and compensation procedure are not well operated. To solve these problems, the government needs to set up an institutional foundation establishing a legal base, uplifting CFO' concerns, and building a department with full responsibility, and to promote employees and citizens' participation through education and PR. It's also important to enhance post management by efficient evaluation and performance management, substantial correction and compensation procedure.


 I. 서론
 II. 행정서비스헌장과 정부 혁신
  1. 고객지향적 행정서비스
  2. 행정서비스헌장의 의의
  3. 행정서비스헌장의 기본원리와 특징
  4. 행정서비스헌장과 정부혁신
 III. 행정서비스헌장의 운영실태
  1. 주요국가의 행정서비스헌장 제도
  2. 우리나라 행정서비스헌장제도의 성과와 한계
 IV. 행정서비스헌장제도의 발전방향
  1. 발전을 위한 기본전략
  2. 행정서비스헌장의 브랜드화
  3. 추진체계과 제도기반 강화
  4. 행정서비스헌장의 사후관리 강화
 V. 결론


  • 김국현 행정자치부 의정관


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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