

A Study on the Electrochemical Characteristics by Ag and Si02 Nano-Particle Additives on Si Anode Materials for Lithium lon Batteries




In modern society, the core goal of multiple electronic devices is miniaturization and lightening. Therefore, built-in batteries have to be built with higher capacities in smaller spaces. Nowadays, researchers around the world are studying how to make secondary batteries that can be charged and discharged without replacement in order to improve their performance. The most promising research centers around lithium-ion battery technology. Anode materials such as Carbon and Silicon are currently used in lithium ion batteries and have drawn the attention offorward thinking scientists due to their high capacity properties. However, silicon has a volume problem during the charge-discharge process; Silicon can expand up to four times its original size and destroy the structure of the electrodes around it. Therefore, it currently cannot be commercialized. We created an anode electrode by coting Si powder with various materials. The substance used to make the anode electrode increased the conductivity of Ag and helped control the volume change by adding NP-SiO2 (SiO2nano-particles) and HF. We analyzed our sample with STEM (Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope), XPS (X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy), XRD (X-ray Diffraction) and made a coin cell with to confirm the electrochemical performance of the coin cell. As a result, our sample had higher rates of conductivity (better than existing Si anode materials) and made many charge/discharge cycles during the performance test.


  Creating the Ag-C at Si (Carbon-coated Si-Ag additive) compound
  Coin Cell
  XRD analysis
  STEM analysis
  XPS analysis
  Comparing the electrochemical characteristics of bare Si, Si02 NPs, Si02 NPs: Ag


  • JeongUk LEE Changwon Science High School
  • SeokHwi HAN Changwon Science High School
  • HyeonSeok LEE Changwon Science High School


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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