

Study on Applicability of Taraxacum Coreanum as the Indicator Plant for Phytoremediation Based on the Analysis on Its Physiological and Biochemical Response to Heavy Metals


Jae Eun An

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims to analyze the efficacy of taraxacum coreanurn in phytoremediation through analysis on physiological and biochemical change of taraxacwn coreanurn according to class and concentration of heavy metals, as well as the comparison of heavy metal absorption capacity between taraxacum coreanum and other representative indicator plants for phytoremediation. For this experiment, Pb and Cr were selected as they have the broadest influence on the environment out of the various heavy metals. 3 concentrations that showed identical influence at pilot tests were selected respectively for experiment. From the study result on physiological and biochemical reactions of taraxacum coreanum due to heavy metals, pigment quantities comprising chlorophyll a, b and carotenoid were decreased due to heavy metal treatment concentration. Active oxygen and apoptosis were increased due to heavy metal was apparently found. Besides, the phenomenon ofDNA laddering within the cell due to the influence of heavy metals was validated. From the subsequent experiment on the applicability of taraxacum coreanum as the indicator plant for phytoremediation, the absorption concentration ofPb and Cr appeared was higher than other well known plants.


  Plant Staining Method
  Experiment Related Device
  Experimental Materials and Leaf Disk Method
  Physiological and Biochemical Analysis on Taraxacum Coreanum Regarding Processing of Heavy Metal
  Observation Result on External Change of Leaf Disk Due to Heavy Metal Processing
  Physiological and Biochemical Analysis on Heavy Metal Processing of Taraxacum Coreanum
  Experiment Result on Heavy Metal Absorption Capacity of Taraxacum Coreanum


  • Jae Eun An Changwon Science High School


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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