

Biogas from Tofu Waste for Combating Fuel Crisis and Environmental Damage in Indonesia


Evellia Levina

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



One potential waste used as a source of biogas is tofu waste that is discarded in open dumps as landfills. It is seen from the number of industries out in Indonesia. In 2014, until May, the number of tofu industry in Indonesia reached 84,000 business units, with production of more than 2.56 million tons per day. The current problem of cumulating issues of tofu waste generated in every region oflndonesia has not yet found a good solution. However this problem has not managed well, therefore it can potentially create many other complex and serious environment problems. In addition to the tofu waste, the most distressing problem in Indonesia nowadays is the crisis of the fuel amount. It can bring scarcity with the subsequent result of the upsurge of fuel price. Tofu waste is one solution which must be carefully considered. In early times, biogas commonly made from livestock manure, but the newbreakthorugh of this study discover that the mixture of tofu waste and manure produces a greater concentration ofbiogas than manure only. Utilization of liquid waste from tofu industry generates a lot of organic matter that is good for the development of microorganisms. Energy contained in biogas depends on the concentration of methane (CH4) . Methane gas that is burned will produce heat energy, then the heat energy will be processed into alternative fuels to replace LPG and other fuels (Rahman, 2005). This study aims to discover the potential of tofu waste in biogas-forming, which ultimately plays a great role in combating the fuel crisis and overcoming the environmental damage in Indonesia.


  Biogas Generator Design


  • Evellia Levina SMA 1 Kudus, 41 Jl.Pramuka, 59319 Kudus, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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