

韓國, 日本, 美國의 敎授內容選擇權에 대한 考察


A Study on the right to choose and decide the educational contents in Korea, Japan and American

한국, 일본, 미국의 교수내용선택권에 대한 고찰


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Actually the educational activities are mostly accomplished in the direct educational interactions between the teacher and the students. Sometimes teacher's right to teach violates and limites the student's right to learn, but sometimes both rights are in the harmonious relation in the sense of educating desirable democratic citizen, the main purpose of current education. The purpose of the study is to show the contradictive and harmonious relationship between teacher's and student's right, many related leading cases in America, Japan, and Korea will be analysed in each side of the teacher's right to choose and decide the educational contents. The right to choose and decide the educational contents has been limited especially in the contents related to communism, and the right to regulate the curriculum belongs fundamentally to the government(the department of educational personnel and resource). In addition, The textbook system turns the national textbook system or official approval system of textbook into the textbook adoption system or the free choice system for the teacher's rights. Also, it is so important to ensure teacher's specialty and self-regulation, which will lead to the qualitative improvement of education and classwork, guaranteeing the student's right to learn. For this, we need the legal and financial support, and the effort and cooperation of parents, teacher's unions, and school as well as teacher and student themselves.


  • 정현승 Jung, Hyun-Seung. 천안병천고등학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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