

등기단계에서의 부동산 거래의 안전확보 방안 - 등기원인증서의 공증과 보존을 중심으로


Study regarding Safety Secure of a Real Estate Transaction


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This thesis considered the improvement plan carefully for safety of a real estate transaction on register of real property, system of authentication certificate of one's seal, substantial right to the investigation of greffier, and so on. And the rules and theorization that protect third party that trusts incorrect registration were reviewed under current law that public confidence on register of real property is not admitted. The research result for safety of a real estate transaction on register of real property and prevention of incorrect registration is as in the following. The acquisition, loss of, or any alteration in, a real right by a juristic act over an immovable takes effect upon its registration. The acquisition of real rights over immovables through inheritance, expropriation, judgment, auction and others stipulated in provisions of law shall not require registration. Provided, that the immovable shall not be disposed of unless it has been registered. A sale shall become effective when one of the parties agrees to transfer a property right to the other party and the other party agrees to pay the purchase-price to the former. And One of the parties to a bilateral contract may refuse performance of his own obligation until the other party tenders performance of his obligation. Provided, that this shall not apply where the obligation of the other party is not due. Therefore, although down payment and middle payment by a real estate transaction after conclusion of a sales contract is paid, a buyer should pay balance to receive document for registration of ownership transfer. Accordingly, a buyer feels uneasy for the period. The prior disclosure system should be introduced to solve slippery situation of a buyer, secure safety of a real estate transaction and improve trust of register of real property. The register of real property is recorded by application for registration by Registration of Real Estate Act. Unless prescribed otherwise by any Act, registration shall be applied jointly by a person entitled to file for a registration and a person obliged to file for a registration. The Principle of Application of this act is as in the following. Article 22 (1) Registration shall be made by application of an interested party or on the entrustment of a public office. (2) Unless otherwise prescribed by any Act to the contrary, provisions concerning registration by application shall apply mutatis mutandis to the procedures for registration on entrustment. (3) Anyone who intends to file for a registration shall pay fees, as prescribed by the Supreme Court Regulations. And Unless prescribed otherwise by any Act, registration shall be applied jointly by a person entitled to file for a registration and a person obliged to file for a registration. Especially, this act is to prescribe matters concerning the registration of real estate. The registration of real estate should be recorded by force within a reasonable compass to achieve purpose of system on the registration of real estate. Registration shall be applied by any of the following two methods. 1. An applicant or his/her agent goes to a registry and submits documents stating application information and accompanying information. Provided, that when such agent is an attorney (including a law firm, a law firm with limited liability, and a judicial association) or a certified judicial scrivener (including a corporation of certified judicial scriveners and a corporation of certified judicial scriveners with limited liability), he/she may require a clerk prescribed by the Supreme Court Regulations to go a registry and submit such documents. 2. Application information and accompanying information are sent via a computerized data processing system, as prescribed by the Supreme Court Regulations (limited to the type of registration designated by the Minister of Supreme Court Administration). More than 95 percent of the register of real property were recorded by an attorney or a certified judicial scrivener. Therefore, theses agent neeed to identify whether the parties want to record the register of real property to prevent incorrect registration. And an attorney or a certified judicial scrivener should submit copy of resident registration of the parties to prevent illegal issuance of authentication certificate of one's seal that counterfeits identification. Meanwhile, the notice of application on authentication certificate of one's seal by an attorney or a certified judicial scrivener should be reported to prevent illegal forge of authentication certificate of one's seal. Therefore, the real a rightful person that is deprived right by admitting public confidence on register of real property should receive indemnity for a damage done. Ultimately, the study should be reviewed by legislation in order to admit certain condition for safety of a real estate transaction.


우리나라의 부동산 등기제도는 등기신청에서 공동신청주의와 출석주의를 채택하고, 신청정보로 등기필정보와 첨부정보로 등기원인증명정보를 요구하고 있으며, 본인확인의 방법으로 인감증명제도와 자격자대리인의 본인확인제도가 있고, 전문화를 통하여 등기관의 심사역량을 강화하는 등 부실등기 방지하여 등기의 진정성을 담보하여 부동산거래의 안전을 도모하고 있으나 등기의 진정성과 관련하여 우리나라 물권법 분야의 논란 중심에 있는 중요한 논의 중의 하나가 등기원인증서의 공증제도이다. 이 연구에서는 ① 등기원인증서의 공증제도 도입 여부에 관한 논의를 검토하고 ② 등기원인증서 공증제와 부실등기 관계에 대한 실증적 분석 ③ 공신력 인정의 전제로 등기원인증서의 공증에 대한 제반 절차를 검토하고 ④ 등기원인증서의 공증제 도입을 위한 정책 결정을 위하여 사전 제반 여건에 대하여 순차적으로 살펴보았다. 공증제를 도입하는 경우에는 부동산시장의 거래관행과 현실적인 여건을 반영하여, ① 공증의 대상으로 삼을 등기원인을 소유권이전등기의 경우로 제한 실시 점진적으로 확대하고, ② 공증인의 자격을 확대하여 등기신청의 위임과 연계된 공증인제 혹은 검인제도를 공증제로 전환하는 방법 실시하고, ③ 공증업무의 공정성 및 독립성이 유지되도록 공증인에 대한 관리감독을 철저히 하는 등 실효성을 확보하고, ④ 국민들이 부담하게 될 경제적 사회적 비용을 최소화하여 공증비용을 저렴하게 하는 등의 종합적인 제도적 장치가 마련되어야 할 것이다. 이 연구에서는 등기원인증서를 전자적으로 영구적 보존하는 방안을 제안하였다. 우리나라의 등기실무에서는 등기를 마치면 등기원인증서를 바로 반환하거나 폐기 하였으나, 외국의 입법례에서는 뉴질랜드, 독일 일본 등 다른 나라에서는 이미 등기원인증서를 스캔 등의 방법을 통해 전자적으로 영구 보존하고 있다. 부동산등기의 진정성을 강화하기 위해서는 등기 단계에서의 사전적 심사만큼이나 등기 이후의 사후심사도 중요하다. 등기원인증서를 전자적으로 영구 보존하게 되면, 등기완료 후 사후심사적 기능으로서 등기사항의 오류를 바로 확인해서 경정할 수 있고, 이들 부실등기에 대한 책임 소재가 명백하므로 등기원인증서를 영구 보존함이 타당하다.


Ⅰ. 서
 Ⅱ. 등기원인증서의 공증
  1. 문제점
  2. 논의
  3. 부실등기와 등기원인증서의 공증
  4. 공신력 인정과 등기원인증서의 공증
  5. 공증제 도입의 사전 제반 여건
  6. 소결
 Ⅲ. 등기원인증서의 보존
  1. 문제점
  2. 외국의 입법례
  3. 개선방안
 Ⅳ. 결어
 < 참고문헌 >
 < 국문초록 >
 < Abstract >


  • 이용 Lee, Young. 대구지방법원 김천지원 집행관. 법학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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