



The Current Situation and Development of Reforms in the Circulating Trade in China



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper holds the view that the circulating trade of China has made achievements by stages through the over-2-decade-long reforms and development, and the circulating system of planned economy has gradually moved into that of the socialist market economy. The circulating system in China has basically realized the development to market orientation as viewed from the commodity price mechanism, the diversity of circulating structure and the maturity of commodity market. At the present time, there exist numerous problems needed to be solved urgently in the circulating trade in China, such as the lower contribution to the national economy, the incompleteness of the reforms in the system of the business property right and in that of management, the relatively small size of circulating corporations, the backward business mode, the lower systematism in circulating trade, non-standardization of the market transaction, lack of credit, lagging of the circulating legislation, and the delayed formation of the domestic united market because of the local protectionism and the market division. The paper asserts that the reform and development of circulating trade in China should focus on the construction of the infrastructure facilities,the rapid introduction of the competitive circulating corporations, the development of circulating organization, and the improvement of circulating environment.


中国流通业经过20多年的改革与发展取得了阶段性的成果, 由计划经济流通体制逐步形成了社会主义市场经济流通体制. 从商品价格形成机制, 多元化流通格局, 商品市场的成熟程度等方面来看, 中国物流业已基本实现了市场化发展. 但现阶段中国流通业还存在一些主要问题, 比如:对国民经济的贡献率偏低, 流通企业产权制度和经营机制改革不彻底,流通企业规模小, 经营方式落后,流通业组织化程度低, 市场交易行为不规范,信用缺失, 流通立法滞后, 地方保护主义和市场分割阻碍国内统一市场的形成等. 文章认为, 未来中国流通业改革与发展方向应是加强流通基础设施建设, 加快推出竞争性流通企业, 提高流通业组织化程度, 改善流通环境等.


Ⅰ. 序言
 Ⅱ. 20多年的中国流通业改革
  1. 单一到 “三多” 阶段(1979~1992年)
  2. 向市场化方向发展阶段(1992年到现在)
 Ⅲ. 中国流通业改革发展的现状及存在的问题
  1. 流通业的发展现状
  2. 存在的主要问题
 Ⅳ. 中国流通业改革发展对策
  3. 提高流通业组织化程度
 Ⅴ. 结语


  • 崔哲洙 최철수. 中国 烟台大学 经济与工商管理学院 专任讲师(Yantai University, China)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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