

건설근로자의 안전의식과 근골격계질환과의 관계연구


The Relationship between Awareness and MSD for construction workers

최보연, 권영국

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The study collected questionnaire and conducted statistical analysis on 474 workers in order to ascertain the effect of day-to-day construction field worker's safety climate, environmental satisfaction, and safety awareness on the exposure to musculoskeletal disorder. First, a large number of construction worker's general characteristics are found to be a male, age of above 51 and below 60 years old, married, high school graduate, and smoker and drinker. Second, it is found that in exposure characteristics of musculoskeletal disorder. It is found that 57.8% of workers have experienced accidents in the past, and their injury position is the highest in the order of shoulder, arm/elbow, and 31.4% are still under medical care or doctor's observation. Third, the study analyzed that the total NIOSH standard based musculoskeletal disorder related subjective symptom patients are 24.1%, where NIOSH standard 1 based weak pain complainers are 8.4%, NIOSH standard 2 based mid-level pain complainers are 7.2%, and NIOSH standard 3 based acute and extremely acutre pain complainers are 8.4%. Fourth, safety climate has been categorized and designated by each factor: factor 1 is 'safety climate for work', factor 2 is 'safety motive at work', factor 3 is 'safety attitude at work', factor 4 is 'safety behavior at work', factor 5 is 'safety procedure at work', and factor 6 is 'safety culture satisfaction'. The environmental satifaction is also designated as following factors: factor 1 is 'general environmental satisfaction', factor 2 is 'physical stress', factor 3 is 'phyical work environment', factor 4 is 'social work environment', and factor 5 is 'mental stress'. Fifth, the total average of safety climate is 3.13 point with the highest point earned being safety culture satisfaction of factor 6 with 3.16 point, the total average of environmental satisfaction is 2.71 point with the highest point earned being general work environment satisfaction of factor 1 with 2.76, and the total average of safety awareness is scored as 3.17 point. Sixth, the analysis highlight that non-patients of NIOSH standard based musculoskeletal disorder have higher satisfaction in all safety climate, environmental satisfaction, safety awareness when compare to that of NIOSH standard based musculoskeletal disorder patients. Seventh, the 'safety climate of work'(factor 1) of safety culture climate factor affects 1.384 times more on the non-patient than to the patients, and 'general work environment satisfaction'(factor 1) of environmental satisfaction affects 2.320 times more on the non-patient than to the patients. The study highlights that the safety climate and environmental satisfaction of the day-to-day construction workers are verified to be much higher for non musculoskeletal disorder patients than that of musculoskeletal disorder patients, and that patients' awareness is low on these factors.


< 초록 >
 1. 서론
 2. 선행연구와 자료수집
  2.1 근골격계질환의 동향과 선행연구
  2.2 안전풍토와 안전문화의 차이
 3. 연구조사방법
  3.1 설문지의 구성과 방법
  3.2 근골격게질환 증상자 분류
  3.3 자료의 처리 방법
 3. 연구결과
  3.1 조사대상자의 특성과 근무특성
  3.2 근골격계질환의 특성
  3.3 근골격계질환 관련 자각증상의 특성
  3.4 근골격계질환 관련 자각증상자 분류
  3.5 안전풍토와 작업환경 만족도에 대한 요인 분석
  3.6 안전풍토의 요인 분석
  3.7 작업환경 만족도의 요인 분석
  3.8 안전의식의 평가
  3.9 안전풍토와 안전의식의 요인별 비교
  3.10 근골격계질환 증상과 안전풍토와 안전의식의 요인별 차이
  3.11 안전의식과 안전풍토가 근골격계질환에 미치는 영향
 4. 토의
 5. 결론


  • 최보연 세이프시아이디
  • 권영국 서울과학기술대학교 안전공학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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