

S.Hall과 J.C.Alexander의 문화연구의 관점과 방법이 사회과의 문화교육에 주는 함의


Implication of Cultural Study by S. Hall and J. C. Alexander in Social Studies Education


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study is to examine the rational direction for cultural education in social studies education. For this purpose, I viewed the perspective and methodology of cultural study by S. Hall and J. C. Alexander, who are expected to provide significant points to cultural education. Then, I searched for the implication of their study in cultural education. The findings are as follows ; First, they set up 'meaning' problem as an important issue and analyze media text or discourse about citizen society to approach this 'meaning' problem. They adopt semiological methodology to interpret the problem. Its implication to social studies education is that it provides significance in understanding meaning which is shown in discourse about citizen society through classification of system of symbol in achievement, in understanding characteristics of cultural phenomenon in citizen society through analysis of cultural code, and in understanding diversity of cultural phenomenon from the perspective of 다의성 of media decoding.


1.문제 제기
2.S.Hall과 J.C.Alexander의 문화연구
3.사회과 교육에서의 문화교육의 필요성
4.사회과 교육에서 문화교육의 방법과 실제


  • 박길자 Park, Gil-Ja. 개금여자중학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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