

Writing Improvement through Critical Literacy Practices in the Korean EFL College Classroom


SoYoung Yang

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Despite the recent increase in studies on perspectives of critical literacy-based classes in EFL contexts, only a few, whose findings have mainly depended on self-reporting by study participants, have examined writing improvement through critical literacy practices. This empirical study investigates the effectiveness of these to improve the writing ability of college EFL students by using a mixed methods approach. The results of a statistical analysis of students' essays were supported by findings derived from surveys, classroom observation and interviews with students and their instructor; critical literacy practices, including problem-posing education with guiding questions and dialogic engagement, found writing ability in terms of content and structure was improved by student participation in class. The application of a new classroom approach with authentic topics to a college English writing course promoted student engagement and motivation. Critical literacy practices with guiding questions can be a promising pre-writing strategy in EFL writing classes.


I. Introduction
 II. Literature Review
  A. Critical Literacy Practices in College EFL Contexts
  B. Critical Literacy Practices in Korean College Contexts
 III. Methods
  A. Research Site and Participants
  B. Research Procedure and Data Collection
  C. Data Analysis
 IV. Results and Discussion
  A. Improving Writing Skills
  B. Promoting Student Participation
 V. Conclusion


  • SoYoung Yang Honam Theological University and Seminary


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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