


군용 소형트럭 조향기어박스 브래킷 균열에 따른 내구도 개선방안 연구


A Study on Improvement of Durability According to Crack of Steering Gearbox Bracket of Military Light Trucks

김선진, 박진원

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to improve the durability by solving the crack problem of the steering gearbox bracket welded to the frame assembly. For the exact and effective analysis, we use charac- teristic(fishbone) diagram from the viewpoint of 4M1E. Through this analysis it was identified two kinds of problems, and develop improvement plan for it. Verification tests must be performed to confirm the improvement. So, the test method for steering gearbox bracket improvement was newly established by referring to similar case. As a result of the tests for verification, the stresses at crack point are decreased and the durability was improved about 2.6 times compared with product before improvement.


 1. 서론
 2. 본론
  2.1 조향기어박스 브래킷 균열 현상 분석
  2.2 조향기어박스 브래킷 균열 원인 분석
  2.3 조향기어박스 브래킷 개선방안 도출
  2.4 조향기어박스 브래킷 개선품 검증방안
 3. 결론


  • 김선진 Seon-Jin Kim. Member, Defense Agency for Technology and Quality
  • 박진원 Jin-Won Park. Defense Agency for Technology and Quality


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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