

Original Article

Effects of socioeconomic status, health behavior, and physical activity on the prevalence of metabolic syndrome


Yong Hwan Kim, Hongkyu Kim, Haemi Jee

한국운동재활학회 JER Vol.14 No.2 2018.04 pp.183-191
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Routine medical checkups have been provided by both the govern-ment-led and private hospitals for the purposes of prevention and early detection of diseases. Various studies were conducted with clinical re-sults obtained from both government and private hospital based results. However, results from two types of health checkups have not been conducted. The results should be compared for the prevalence of met-abolic disease in the aspects of socioeconomic status and health care behaviors to observe the pros and cons of two types of health check-ups. Routine health checkup results of the National Health and Nutrition Survey (1,593 men, 2,180 women) and a private hospital (12,823 men, 7,070 women) of the year 2012 were used for the study. Education level and monthly household income were used to assess the socioeconom-ic status. Alcohol consumption, smoking, and International Physical Ac-tivity Questionnaire were used to assess health behaviors. Logistic re-gression analysis was applied (P<0.05). Participants of the private hos-pital had significantly greater household income, education level, amount of physical activity and intensity, and number of nonsmokers. Women showed no differences in the amount of vigorous physical ac-tivity. The prevalence rates of metabolic syndrome showed similar re-sults. Education level, physical activity, and alcohol consumption were significantly associated in men of the government group. Smoking showed significant influence in men of both groups. Education level, al-cohol consumption, and smoking showed significant influence in wom-en of the government group. Participants who conducted govern-ment-led health examinations showed stronger influence of socioeco-nomic level and health behaviors on metabolic syndrome especially in men.


  Socioeconomic status
  Health behavior questionnaires
  Metabolic syndrome
  Data analyses


  • Yong Hwan Kim Sports Medicine Center, Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
  • Hongkyu Kim Health Promotion Center, Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
  • Haemi Jee Department of Sports and Health Care, Namseoul University, Cheonan, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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