Open Systems : Nam June Paik and the Convergence of Art and Technology
This paper examines Nam June Paik's Robot 456-K, which he worked with S. Abe, and explores the way Paik worked on the editing, reproduction and postproduction of moving images and sound in the contexts of contemporary art practices. While Paik's video art has garnered much critical attentions since the late 1960s, the experimental artist's critical essays have not been fully discussed. This paper analyzes Paik's notes on the “underground television generation” in the lights of cultural activism since the emergence of commercialization of television and mass culture via television began to affect contemporary American lives. In the late 1960s, art historian and critic Jack Burnham coined “system esthetics” on the new tendencies of art in postminimalism, institutional critique of art, the convergence of art and technology etc. Keeping this concept in mind, this paper explains the way in which Nam June Paik searched for “open systems” as an aesthetic methodology in the production of digital experiments at Bell Labs, non-linear editing of color images as well as polemical situations in the conservation of his works.
이 연구는 백남준의 작업 중 아베와의 협업으로 알려져 있는
II. 백남준의 '열린 체계'
1. 백남준의
2. 백남준의 사운드와 무빙 이미지 리프로덕션
3. 『래디컬 소프트웨어』와 백남준의 디지털 실험
III. 미술보존의 문제
IV. 결론