

井上毅と教育勅語 ‒ 文明の「親愛」ユートピアへ ‒


The logic of Imperial Rescript on Education - Affection as the ideal of “Civilization” -

후지노 나오타카

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The aim of this article is to analyze the logic of Imperial Rescript on Education (1890,10,30) by analyzing the political thought of Inoue Kowashi. During In the closing days of the Tokugawa shogunate, Inoue was a scholar who emphasized nationalism and Confucian perfect virtue. In Meiji, Inoue discovers benevolence in European political thought. And he focused on the concept of Affection which mixed benevolence and perfect virtue. Affection is a concept that French lawyer E. Acollas emphasized. In addition, Inoue learns from Social Darwinism that society develops to the philosophical stage next to the legal stage, and he is convinced that the most important thing to politics at the philosophical stage is Affection. He thought that the ideal of “Civilization” would be achieved by Affection. As a result, Imperial Rescript on Education became a document that emphasized the harmonization of human relationships, where Confucian discipline was denied.




  • 후지노 나오타카 Fujino, Naotaka. 동의대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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