

戦争の記憶と平和実践 -<原爆の図>を中心に -


Memory of War and Practice of Peace - Focusing on The Hiroshima Panels -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The Hiroshima Panels began to be released by husband-and-wife artists Iri and Toshi Maruki from 1950 when no clear information was given about the devastation by the atomic bomb, and the censorship by the occupation forces still remained. Iri and Toshi who witnessed tragic sight just after the atomic bombing started to create works collaboratively to inform the fact of the atomic bomb. The Hiroshima Panels that gave a great impact on those who did not know the facts eventually became a symbolic presence of the anti war / peace movements and anti-nuclear movement through touring exhibitions in Japan. Especially, “Talking” in front of the pictures, which was practiced intentionally in the touring exhibition, created a space to share the misery of the war with stirring the imagination of the viewers. We could say that the existence of Hiroshima Panels shew the significance that an art work could be a tool of social movements. It also gives great suggestions to the social role of art to tackle the current international problems such as nuclear weapons and wars.




1. 들어가며
 2. 마루키 부부와 원폭
  2.1 마루키 이리와 토시
  2.2 <원폭도> 공동작업
  2.3 <원폭도> 순회전
 3. <원폭도>와 말하기 해설
 4. 나가며


  • 藤村(稲葉)真以 Fujimura(Inaba), Mai. 광운대학교 광운한림원 조교수, 한일 근현대미술사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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