



Using smart learning technology in consecutive interpreting class - focusing on the Korean-Japanese language pair -

李朱利愛, 朴惠璟, 朴星姝

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Smart learning driven by ICT technology and mobile devices, and free from many of the limitations of personal computers is drawing attention. This is evidenced by different mobile stores offering a variety of applications for language learning. Mobile applications related to interpreting, however, are mostly for simple translation services only. Applications for interpreter training are also largely limited to foreign language learning at sentence levels. The present study proposes the necessity and structure of mobile-based class aid which overcomes the limitations of e-class, cyber campus or other tools currently operated by many higher education institutions. A simple survey was conducted with interpreting teachers and learners, asking how consecutive interpreting(CI) classes are delivered and how ICT is utilized. The survey result indicated that some of the limitations of current CI classes could be addressed by introducing smart learning. To help address those limitations, while improving the efficiency of CI training, the development of a mobile application as an assistive tool was examined in detail. Items on the user interface screen are schematized, describing the function of each item, to provide a more practical proposal. This could be a model on which to design CI training based on smart learning.


近年、情報通信技術(ICT)の発展に伴い、空間や時間の制限を受けないモバイル端末によるスマートラーニングが増加している。その一環として、語学学習のための数々のアプリケーションが登場しているが、通訳学習に関しては文章単位の外国語学習のレベルにとどまっているのが現状である。 本稿では、大学や大学院の逐次通訳授業のための補助的手段として、モバイルで実現可能なアプリケーションを構想し、通訳授業におけるスマートラーニングを提案した。 まず、通訳大学院の逐次通訳担當教授と学習者を対象としてアンケート調査を行い、情報通信技術の活用の現状をまとめた。その結果、課題の提供や遂行、提出、評価などにおいて現在の技術や送受信(Eメールや校内LMSなど)では技術的限界による不便な点があり、改善の余地があることがわかった。この結果にもとづき、逐次通訳授業用のアプリケーションを考案、操作画面を図式化し、各項目について具体的な考察を行った。


1. 서론
 2. ICT를 활용한 순차통역 훈련 연구
 3. 순차통역 수업 사례 조사
  3.1 교수자 사례
  3.2 학습자 사례
 4. 순차통역 스마트 러닝을 위한 수업 보조 도구
  4.1 구성 항목 탐색
  4.2 순차통역 애플리케이션 모델
 5. 결론


  • 李朱利愛 Lee, JuRiAe. 이화여자대학교 통역번역대학원 통역학과 한일전공 조교수, 통번역학
  • 朴惠璟 박혜경. 이화여자대학교 통역번역대학원 통역학과 한일전공 부교수, 통번역학
  • 朴星姝 박성주. 이화여자대학교 통역번역대학원 통역학과 한일전공 강사, 통번역학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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