

日本語複合助詞「において」と 韓国語「에 있어서」との対応関係 -グループKANAME(2007)の用法分類を中心に-


Research on the correspondence between Japanese compound particle “ni oite” and Korean “e isseoseo” - With a focus on the usage classification of Group KANAME(2007) -

劉 マルグ厶

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



After analyzing examples obtained from different data, the results of the Japanese- Korean comparative research between “ni oite” and “e isseoseo” clarify the following four points: Firstly, only a part of the examples belonging to usage (a) “limited range” of “ni oite” and the examples belonging to (b) usage of “ni oite” correspond to the Korean “e isseoseo”. The other examples of “ni oite” do not correspond to ‘e isseoseo’, but to the simple particles “eseo” or “e”. Secondly, the examples of (a) “limited range” usage are the most numerous but, the tendency of using Japanese-Korean compound particles is not uniform. Thirdly, in the case of (a) “setting/circumstances” usage of “ni oite”, if the noun “process of” is inserted after the preceding noun, “ni oite” changes to the usage of “ limited range”. In this case, in Japanese language, irrespective of whether “process of” is inserted or not, both “ni oite” and “de” are natural. However, in Korean language, we can see a different tendency. Fourthly, in the case of (b) “range” usage which is materialized by “assessment/ judgment”, we can observe the same tendency in both Japanese and Korean. In the case of this usage, not only “ni oite” and “e isseoseo”, but also “ni kanshite”, “ni tsuite” and “e gwanhaeseo”, “e daehaeseo” are permitted.


1. はじめに
 2. 先行研究
  2.1 グループ KANAME(2007)
   2.1.1 用法(a):ある事象が成り立つ「場」 空間的場所 時間的場所 限定された範囲 場面·状況
   2.1.2 用法(b):ある評価·判断が成り立つ「範囲」
  2.2 金仙姫(1990)
 3. 分析
  3.1 用法(a):ある事象が成り立つ「場」を表す用法
   3.1.1 空間的場所
   3.1.2 時間的場所
   3.1.3 限定された範囲
   3.1.4 場面·状況
  3.2 用法(b):評価·判断が成り立つ「範囲」を表す用法
  3.3 アンケート調査結果のまとめ
   3.3.1 日本語例文のアンケート調査方法·調査対象·調査結果
   3.3.2 韓国語例文のアンケート調査方法·調査対象·調査結果
 4. おわりに
  4.1 まとめ
  4.2 今後の課題


  • 劉 マルグ厶 You, MalGeum. カトリック関東大学校 日語日文学専攻 招聘教授, 日本語学・日本語教育


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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