



On ba protasis and the modal constraint of apodosis - focusing on the difference with tara protasis -

井口 有子

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



When the mood of apodosis is expressive or imperative, use of ba is allowed only on certain conditions. First of all, when the mood of apodosis is expressive or imperative, ba protasis, not like tara protasis, cannot be a fixed condition. Non-actual conditions can be divided into two sub-categories: “fixed condition” and “hypothetical condition”. They both express potential event, yet with fixed condition the speaker is confident that the event will happen in the future, while with hypothetical condition the speaker is not sure whether the event will happen in the future or not. Fixed condition cannot contain “moshi”, while hypothetical condition can contain “moshi”. When apodosis mood is expressive or imperative making the sentence more actual compared to the general condition sentence, ba protosis gets strong connotation of “moshi” making itself impossible to be used as fixed condition.


1. はじめに
 2. バ条件節の文末モダリティ制限をめぐって
 3. 文末モダリティ制限解除に関わる条件について
  3.1 なぜバ条件節には文末モダリティ制限があるのか
  3.2 文末制限に関わる三つの条件
   3.2.1 前件述語が状態性の場合
   3.2.2 前件と後件の行為主体が異なる場合
   3.2.3 前件が確定条件を表す場合
 4. おわりに


  • 井口 有子 Inokuchi, Yuko. 仁荷大学校 国際通商学科 助教授, 日本語学


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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