

Non-Cooperative Game Joint Hidden Markov Model for Spectrum Allocation in Cognitive Radio Networks




Spectrum allocation is a key operation in cognitive radio networks (CRNs), where secondary users (SUs) are usually selfish – to achieve itself utility maximization. In view of this context, much prior lit literature proposed spectrum allocation base on non-cooperative game models. However, the most of them proposed non-cooperative game models based on complete information of CRNs. In practical, primary users (PUs) in a dynamic wireless environment with noise uncertainty, shadowing, and fading is difficult to attain a complete information about them. In this paper, we propose a non-cooperative game joint hidden markov model scheme for spectrum allocation in CRNs. Firstly, we propose a new hidden markov model for SUs to predict the sensing results of competitors. Then, we introduce the proposed hidden markov model into the non-cooperative game. That is, it predicts the sensing results of competitors before the non-cooperative game. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme improves the energy efficiency of networks and utilization of SUs.


 1. Introduction
 2. System Model
 3. A New Hidden Markov Model
  3.1 Hidden Markov Model
  3.2 The Proposed Hidden Markov Model
  3.3 HMM-based prediction scheme
  3.4 Hidden Markov Prediction-based Non-cooperative Game
 4. Simulation
 5. Conclusion
 Appendix A
 Appendix B


  • Yan Jiao Dept. of Computer Software, Dong Seoul University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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