

기록문화와 하나님 말씀의 확산


The Spread of God's Word and the Formation of the Writing Culture


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study starts from the view that 'most books of the Old Testament began to be established as documents in the Exilic period', and questions about the origins of the Old Testament documentation and the motives for the spread of the Old Testament documentation, namely the writing culture. This study concentrates on the latter. The documentation of the Old Testament had undergone a growth process in the Exilic period, and it was actively deployed in the transition period of the Exilic period and the Postexilic period. Following the historical background of these vitalizations, this study considers the historical and religious motives for the Old Testament documentation. The Jewish community faced a serious (spiritual) crisis, which was a series of a "day of small things"(cf. Zech 4:10) during the transition period of the Exilic period and the early period of the Postexilic period. In order to overcome this crisis, leaders of the Jewish community pursued various approaches. A common theological phenomenon is the theology of growth, pursued by the priest group. Unlike this, the Yahwist theologians pursued the formation of a worship community(Ex 3: 9-12), and the theologians of the Deuteronomical school have aspired to overcome the crisis, relying on the theology of God's Word(Ex 4: 10-17; 6: 2-12; 6: 28-39; 7: 1-7. cf. Jer 1: 4-10). The historical experiences in the Exilic period operate as a lesson for a new situation in the Postexilic period. First, in order to permanently preserve the experience of redemption, it was combined with the Law, and the experiences of extreme disorder and confusion were overcome through the establishment of new norms. Teaching of the Word was inevitable in order to spread the Word of God. Such educational environment was an important part of the setting of life, which was the writing culture. In the literatures in the transition period of the Exilic period or the Postexilic period, especially those from the so-called "nomistic redactor"(DtrN), information on the educational environment, religious education at worships and festivals, and religious education at home is provided. And prophetic traditions in which socio-ethical norms are included as part of the religious norms serve as evidence of the fact that the norms were the goal of their education.


포로후기에 구약성서의 문서화가 광범위하게 확산되었으며, 이 과정에서 소위 '기록문화'가 형성되었다. 본 연구에서는 기록문화의 역사적 배경과 구체적 내용을 검토하고자 한다. 이를 위해 포로기 전환기와 포로후기 초기의 역사적 및 종교사적 사건들을 추적한다. 이 과정에 나타난 유대 공동체의 위기와 이를 극복하려는 신학적 대응에 나타난 기록문화를 추적한다. 기록문화의 내용은 말씀에 의한 위기 극복, 구속사의 현재화, 규범에 의한 하나님 통치의 일상화 및 말씀의 교육 등이다.


1. 문제의 제기
 2. 포로기 전환기의 역사적 상황 변화: 국가 재건
 3. 위기 상황의 극복을 위한 비전의 전개
  1) 유대 공동체의 위기
  2) 모세의 소명과 이스라엘 공동체의 비전(출 3: 9-12)
  3) 모세 이야기에 나타난 말씀의 이해
 4. 국가 재건과 함께 제기된 또 다른 과제들: 말씀의 신학화
  1) 역사와 율법의 통합
  2) 하나님 통치의 일상화에 나타난 문서화의 증거
 5. 말씀에 대한 다양한 교육사상
  1) 말씀 교육과 구속사의 전승
  2) 예언자의 역할 확대: 율법의 교육자
 6. 결론
 7. 참고문헌


  • 한동구 Dong-Gu Han. 평택대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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