

The Amplification of the Morse Codes, which Cho Ji-Hoon's Poem Silent Night 1 Leaves in the Human Body


In-Kwa Park

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this study, we tried to reveal the state of stillness of Cho Ji-Hoon's poem 「Silent Night 1」 as a healing modifier. The language of poem is synaptically linked to the calmness emotion of the human body, seeking a principle that leads to a state of healing. Therefore, this study was carried out for the purpose of applying the principle to literary therapy program. The silent signal embedded in the poem is encoded into the signals of the sound as it is synapsed to the human body. Encoding of auditory nerves by poem lines is like a Morse code that word and word leave in the human body. The action potential of the auditory nerve is further activated by the potential difference between the word and the word represented by the neural network, such as a Morse code, which is accessed to the human body by such a path. There is worked as amplified potential difference between the words perceived by a sound which is synapsed to the human body and by a silence which is synapsed to the human body. The phenomenon of the words approaching the human body and setting the absence of sound and amplifying the sound is because the words amplifies the Morse codes in the human neural network. At this time, the signals overlap each other. Thereby this poem is increasing the amplitude of the sound. This overlapping of auditory signals appears and amplifies the catharsis. If this Cho Ji-Hoon Poem's principle is applied to literary therapy program in the future, more effective treatment will be done.


 1. Introduction
 2. Tour of silence
  2.1. Encoding of the auditory nerve
  2.2. Action potential of silence
 3. A ripple of Joy
  3.1. Circulation of gingko leaf
  3.2. Overlap of signals
 4. Conclusion


  • In-Kwa Park Department of Korean Language and Literature, Korea University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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