

Naturally-Functional Myoelectric Prosthesis with Increased Lifespan


Jun Wei CHOW

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study focused on researching new materials that could increase the lifespan with improvements on the sensors feedback and degree of freedom (DoF) of the prosthesis while retaining its lightweight. Titanium as the main material replacing plastics for support is the backbone of this research. Ultra-thin aluminium oxynitride will be used for extending the lifespan of the prosthesis. This study continues with discussion on the methods for increasing the number of the DoF for myoelectric prosthesis, which includes installation of various sensors for feedback from arm and implantation of nanoelectrodes directly onto the brain’s motor cortex and includes a powerful microprocessor for improve responses, setting up a feedback loop. It also discussed about the current technology on prosthesis and suggest


  2.1. CWSR Grade 9 Titanium (Ti-3-2.5)
  2.2. Aluminium Oxynitride (Transparent Aluminium)
  2.3. Sensors (Feedback)
  2.4. Electrodes (implantation)
  3.1. Thought Experiment
  3.2. Comparison


  • Jun Wei CHOW Maktab Sains Paduka Seri Begawan Sultan, Simpang 125, Jalan Muara, BB4713, Brunei Darussalam


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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