

Research change antibacterial effect in solubility of the copper alloy




This study has looked at the antibacterial characteristic of the Brassware dish that has been many issues until this presents and experimentally confirmed after knowing that there were antibacterial effecting as the metal ion influenced the cell membrane of the germ. Based on this fact, we tried to known the tendency of antibacterial effect change by the creation of the alloy. This study proceeded the test by cutting the zinc and tin after producing alloy each in a different composition ratio mainly on copper. Each metal was put into a vial with the liquid medium that colon bacterium was cultivated and cultivated again in the petrifilm with certain term of time and observed the number of colonies after 24 hours. Antibacterial effect test was implemented 3 times and was proved that Cu-Sn 30wt% had high antibacterial effect by discovering the structural distortion in the copper alloy by using XRD.


 1. Introduction
 2. Theoretical Background
  2.1 Solid Solubility of Metal
  2.2 Petrifilm
  2.3 Crystal Structure of Alloy
  2.4 XRD
 3. Study Method and Process
  3.1 Producing Metal Specimen
  3.2 3M PETRIFILM Method
 4. Study Result
  4.1 Petrifilm Test
  4.2 Composition Compound and Structure Analysis of Metal for Each Composition using XRD
 5. Conclusion
 6. References


  • Lee jae hwan Changwon Science High School
  • Cho seung wan Changwon Science High School
  • Kim seung hyeon Changwon Science High School


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