

A Study to Develop a Method to Diagnose Contaminated Soil Using Distribution of Soil Bacteria


So Yeon Kim

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Heavy metal in soil shows negative effect on ecosystem by suppressing the growth of plants and damaging soil ecosystem. However, checking the heavy metal content in soil requires too much time and money. This research was conducted in order to check these problems and understand the existence of heavy metal contained in soil efficiently. Unlike regular soil bacteria, ahms- bacteria (anti- heavy metal soil bacteria), separated from soil contaminated with heavy metal, is able to survive in soil containing heavy metal. Moreover, it can survive in pH5 and 40℃, the environment where the growth of regular soil bacteria shows drastic decrease. The reason of this strong surviving ability of ahms-bacteria was found to be its sulfate reducing function. Ahms-bacteria produces hydrogen sulfide, and this hydrogen sulfide, creates precipitate by the reaction with heavy metal in soil. This was used to offer simple but accurate method to sort out soil contaminated by heavy metal. In fact, when the experiment was conducted with contaminated soil, it was checked that ahms-bacteria was able to be the standard of heavy metal-contaminated soil.


  Growth of Cabbage Seeds in Soil Contaminated with Heavy Metal and oil
  Content of Chlorophyll of Cabbage Grew in Different Types of Soil
  Search method
  Growth Change of ahms-bacteria According to the Increase of Concentration of Heavy Metal and Gasoline and Comparison with Growth Change of Other Soil Bacteria
  Proliferation Change of Other Soil Bacteria According to Proliferation of ahms-bacteria in Soil
  Apprehension of the Types of ahms-bacteria Throughout Production and Culture of Media in Order to Identify the Characteristics of ahms-bacteria
  Growth Change of ahms-bacteria According to pH and Temperature Change
  Confirmation of sulfate reducing Bacteria ahms-bacteria Throughout hydrogen sulfide Generation Rate
  About the Possibility of ahms-bacteria As Pollution Marker Through Growth Change of ahms-bacteria in Soil Contaminated with Heavy Metal
  Difference of ahms-bacteria and sulfate reducing Bacteria
  Development of Method to Apply ahms-bacteria as MARKER to Identify the Heavy Metal Pollution of Soil


  • So Yeon Kim Ap-Gu-Jung High School


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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