

The Antibacterial Effects of Blue Light in the Decomposition of Indole-3-Acetic Acid and Hydroxyl Radical Scavenging Activity


Seung Eun LEE

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



When auxin (IAA) is exposed to blue light, it decomposes and generates oxygen-free radicals. Because the radicals have strong oxidative characteristics, blue light is often used as an effective treatment method of acne vulgaris, using photodynamic therapy. Because bacteria in perspiration produces fatty acids and ammonia that cause malodor, the same fundamental principle used in phototherapy was applied to this particular study, which evaluates the ability of blue light with IAA to destroy bacteria and hence rid of malodor on athletic apparel. When both blue light and IAA are treated together, the decomposition of IAA decreases Hydroxyl radical scavenging activity, increasing the amount of Hydroxyl radicals and in turn inhibiting bacteria. The antiseptic effects of blue light and IAA were also tested on other, pathogenic bacteria. While the method worked appropriately on E. coli, the results showed that salmonella could only be inhibited when the concentration and amount of IAA was increased to 300 uL, as compared to 100 uL for E. coli and sweat bacteria. Finally, when the experiment was conducted on a pair of ice hockey gloves used by an athlete, the reduction in bacteria was again observed, confirming that sterilization could be improved by treating athletic gear with IAA and blue light. Although Ultraviolet (UV) sterilizers can be used to disinfect clothing or the like, UV radiation can damage the eye and skin, leaving blue light as an optimal, harmless, and effective antiseptic. The ultimate findings of this study therefore validate that blue light and IAA together is an effective means of inhibiting bacteria and eliminating odor, with no significant harms or side effects.


  2.1 Effects of IAA on Bacteria and the Disintegration of IAA and Hydroxyl-Radical Scavenging Activity Under Blue Light
  2.2 Antibacterial properties of blue light and IAA
  2.3 Application of blue light + IAA
  3.1 Effects of IAA on bacteria, its decomposition, and Hydroxyl radical scavenging
  3.2 Antibacterial properties of blue light and IAA
  3.3 Bacterial inhibition on athletic gear and cloth discoloration due to blue light-IAA


  • Seung Eun LEE Seoul International School


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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