

국제 클리닉에서의 문화간 의료 커뮤니케이션의 민족지학적 연구 : 환자 심층 설문 면담을 중심으로


An ethnographic study of intercultural health communication at a Korean international clinic : Focusing on in-depth interviews with patients


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Kim, Ki-tae. 2018. An ethnographic study of intercultural health communication at a Korean international clinic: Focusing on in-depth interviews with patients. Language Information. Volume 26. 05-32. The present study ​investigates intercultural health communication at a Korean international clinic in a large-sized general hospital (Hospital A) by ethnographic field work and in-depth interviews with patients. The researcher participant-observed their consultations with a variety of doctors for more than 18 months, and six respondents were selected from the participating patients for in-depth interviews. The interview was semi-structured with nine open-ended questions in five fields. The findings illustrate that (1) personal referrals among acquaintances and initial encounter at the international clinic are the two most important triggers for the very first visits; (2) the respondents are very satisfied with the hospital and the clinic; (3) the patients are mostly content with their communication with the Korean doctors and the international clinic staff, but not so much with the nursing and administrative staff, particularly when the international clinic is closed or unavailable; (4) what the respondents regard as the hospital's strengths are actually what most large-sized general hospitals in Korea are commonly equipped with already such as interdisciplinary communication among various departments facilitated by shared medical records; on the other hands, the respondents find Hospital A somewhat insensitive to patients' confidentiality/privacy, cleanliness, and the patient's needs to interface with the doctors and the international clinic; (5) future visitors might find it helpful to be better informed of the existence of the international clinic itself, the features that large-sized general hospitals in Korea universally share, a simple map or floor plans of the hospital, and more informative English web pages. Overall, the in-depth interviews highlight what was not sufficiently brought to light during ethnographic observation by explicitly asking for the respondents' insights. Despite its limitations, the present study hopes to balance and complement research on intercultural health communication in Korea by bringing more light to skilled or professional international patients who visit large-sized general hospitals.


 1. 서론
 2. 선행 연구
  2.1. 대화분석(CA) 중심의 의료 담화 연구
  2.2. 민족지학 중심의 의료 담화 연구
 3. 연구 대상
  3.1. 국제클리닉의 유형
  3.2. 연구 대상 기관 선정과 환자 특성
  3.3. 심층 면담
 4. 연구 결과와 토론
  4.1. 초도 내원 경로
  4.2. A병원에 대한 전반적 만족도
  4.3. 문화간 의료 커뮤니케이션 만족도와 언어문화적 요소
  4.4. A병원의 장점과 단점
  4.5. 추후 A병원 국제클리닉을 방문하는 다른 외국인 환자를 위해서 제공된다면 유용할 정보
 5. 결론과 맺는 말


  • 김기태 Kim, Ki-tae. 계명대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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